And The Chief Wailer, Oliseh Metuh Wails Again! - Lauretta Onochie

Oliseh Metuh
Is there any one left among Chief Oliseh Metuh's friends who can explain to him the true situation of things in Nigeria? I ask because I am beginning to think that the Oliseh Metuh's of this nation, get really upset that not only are Nigerians now in power, they are also happy with the leadership they chose for themselves. 

It's true that Oliseh Metuh, who is now sounding like a broken record, did not correctly read the handwriting on the wall before and during the last election that swept him and PDP out of power. They had it coming but they had plans which did not include the Card Reader. Who is to blame for their misreading the mood of Nigerians who were clamouring for a change of direction but were ignored by the PDP administration of Pres. Jonathan?

Who is hounding dissenting Voices?
It's also true that during the reign of PDP, they hounded those who did not agree with their oppressive regime using EFCC, the police, ICPC, NDLEA, etc. Cases died as soon as the victims played ball. One of the few who stood up to the bullying tactics of PDP was Rt. Hon. Amechi, the reason Nigerians, particularly South Southerners see him as their hero. When Sen. Akpabio had an accident, Pres. Buhari did not care that he was PDP. He cared that he was a Nigerian and gave him a call to wish him well and assured him of his prayers. If Sen. Akpabio is being hounded, it must be the consequences of his past actions. We would not know unless he was given a fair chance to defend himself in a court of competent Jurisdiction. 

Amnesia seems to have set in with Chief Metuh as he has completely forgotten that the Senate President, Bukola Saraki and his wife are members of the ruling party, APC, who are also facing charges with the EFCC and the Code of Conduct Tribunal for alleged crimes against our fatherland. It's either selective amnesia or a deliberate attempt at misinforming the Nigerian people. If the later was the case, chief Metuh has failed as Nigerians are now more in tune with their minds and are no longer easily swayed or subject to cheap manipulations. 

As he is used to a meddling setu, God forbid, in Oliseh Metuh's books, that the executive arm of the Nigerian government would let agencies that fight corruption assume independence! In his world, the world of impunity, the President and his lackeys decided who was charged and who was not. In the current dispensation, Pres. Buhari will not interfere with the workings of these agencies that were set up to fight corruption. These agencies on their part, haven shaken off the executive choke-hold associated with the last administration, have rediscovered the power invested in them to fight corruption, which was institutionalised under the Jonathan Administration. 

Oliseh Metuh would not ask if the people being invited by EFCC had genuine questions to answer or not. He needs to ask if his people being "witch-hunted" are really witches as only witches can be witch-hunted. If there was nothing to hunt, there will be no hunting. He seems to have lost all sense of decency. Where did he leave the values on which he was raised as a Nigerian when parents admonished us to always tell the truth? It's difficult transmuting from calling the shots to being in the opposition but he needs to learn, not to criticise what Nigerians love. Nigerians love the steps EFCC and other agencies are taking to sanitise their nation. They would quickly lose respect for anyone who tries to cast aspersions on the work of EFCC, ICPC, Code of Conduct Bureau, etc. 

Who is a dictator? 
May we remind Oliseh Metuh that when Nigerians clamoured for President Bubari to PUBLICLY declare his assets, he did exactly that, even though the constitution did not require it. We still remember how Pres. Jonathan told Nigerians to go to hell when we made the same demands on him. He did not give a damn! A dictator does what pleases him, protecting his personal interest and those of people around him. So far, President Buhari has shown more democratic values in acting in the interests of Nigerians, than the immediate past president, Dr. Jonathan. 

The fact remains that PDP was in power for 16 years, not APC. 
It goes to say that those who served our nation for those years, were PDP. 
Those who mismanaged our common wealth, were PDP. 
Those who enriched their friends and families were PDP. 
Those who brought our nation on its knees were PDP. 
Those who starved our institutions of funds were PDP.
Those who reigned in impunity and lawlessness, were PDP.
The Presidential candidate rejected by Nigerians at the polls, was PDP. 

Consequently, it would be an anomaly for EFCC, ICPC, NDLEA, DSS, CCB etc. to go after those who were neither in power nor embezzled any funds simply because their party, APC, is now in power.

For the very first time in our recent history, Nigerians have a leader, who listens. Who does what's in the best interests of Nigerians. Who is touched by the suffering of Nigerians. A leader who could be but is not an elite, rather, prefers the lowly estate of an ordinary Nigerian. A leader who is truly, the President of Nigeria, not just for his ethnic group or those who worship God the same as him. So why should Nigerians not be happy?

These constant  cries by Oliseh Metuh and his Wailing Wailers have become akin to the behaviour of one suffering from acute depression, occasioned by the loss of power at the centre. It might do him a world of good to seek both medical and psychological help to deal with his anger towards Nigerians. 

Oliseh Metuh and those he represents have years of opportunity to write their names in gold, in the hearts of Nigerians. They wilfully, chose, instead to abandon the people of Nigeria, creating a kingdom of poverty in our nation. Nigeria earned an obscene amount of money through crude oil sales under Oliseh Metuh's friends and cronies yet, they did not even give a glance at the area suffering the devastation of their crude oil windfall. What moral justification have they to wail about the laws of our land taking it's course against those who lived as lords under a lawless PDP-led government at the expense of ordinary Nigerians? 

But the good news is that change is here. Our legal institutions are gradually finding their feet. The dilapidated nation APC's  President Buhari inherited from PDP's Jonathan, has been totally demolished. All the holes through which rats got into the structure, have been plugged. A new solid foundation has been built by our leaders, President Buhari, Vice President Osinbajo and their team. The Ministers and other appointees will have no choice but to build on this solid foundation. We are starting afresh and Nigeria is indeed, blessed to have President Buhari on the driver's seat. 

Now can the Wailing Wailers, National Association of Political Victims, 
Politically Displaced Persons, The Angry Birds Club and 
The Politically Depressed Persons give way! 
Lauretta Onochie 


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