
Showing posts from April, 2022


The biggest challenge to infrastructure development in Nigeria over the decades has been sustainable financing. Major projects require significant funding, which the annual Federal budgets are incapable of mobilising or deploying. But this has been the model over the years: seeking to tackle everything through the budget; releasing money in bits and pieces year after year. Little wonder the years passed and no progress worth noting was made. That has since changed, since President Buhari assumed office in 2015. Here are the ways in which the administration has been unlocking capital, both within and outside the public sector, and guaranteeing a steadier stream of infrastructure financing. 1) Presidential Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) (2018): Established by President Buhari on February 25, 2018 with seed funding of $650 million, as a special investment vehicle for fast-tracking the completion of critical road infrastructure projects across the country. The goal of the Fund is t...


  DEAR OSINACHI, 💜I know you are fine. I also know that you are laughing: Laughing at all those people; men and women, who abuse their spouses and pass their children through a living hell. 💙Just as Christians mark the resurrection of Jesus today, I remember how you rose from the dead, a day after you died. A lot has happened since your resurrection, Osinachi.  💜There's now more awareness and exposure, regarding spousal abuse in our nation. Suddenly, the stigma of separation, divorce and being single, is now on the front burner and being bravely discussed and tackled. 💙Some Men are stepping up and refusing to be labelled irresponsible for saying "Enough". Some women too, are refusing to stand by and watch their lives fritter away. They all know that there's no shame in being happy.  EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY.  💜Some people have actually left their abusive relationships and wondering what took them this long, while thanking you for opening their eyes of under...